
2017-09-11 阅读:(7.26K)



★wild geese:雁,野鹅


例句:A great wind careened the boat. 一阵大风使船倾倒。


例句:The fog is fast dispersing. 雾正在迅速消散。


例句:The cool of the evening make me feel cosy. 夜晚的凉爽让我感到舒服。


例句:The bleak frost packed and paved the square as with some ringing metal. 惨白的霜冻牢固地铺在广场上,象是铿锵发响的金属。



例句:The bus driver would read out the list of stops. 公车司机会大声念出一串的站名。


例句:She loves her children dearly. 她非常爱自己的孩子。


例句:If the clouds break up, we can go for a hike. 如果乌云散开了,那我们就能去徒步旅行了。


例句:It has stopped raining. 雨停了。



例句:She has joined the volleyball club. 她加入了排球俱乐部。


例句:In soccer, only the goalkeeper may play the ball with his hands. 踢足球时,只有守门员可以用手拿球。


例句:The basketball team mistimed the final play and lost the game. 这个篮球队因比赛时间安排不当而输了一场。


例句:He is a crack baseball player. 他是个一流的的棒球运动员。


例句:In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey 在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇

标签:少儿英语 单词 学习