
2017-08-19 阅读:(1.68W)




It 's a plate.

这是一个盘子。Shove a tray across a table

把盘子推到桌子另一边salad plates;salad makings.

沙拉盘子;沙拉成品A flaw in the dish

盘子上的一条裂纹She put the grapes onto the platter

她把葡萄放到一个大盘子上。Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table.

热的盘子会损坏桌子的亮光漆面。omelet cooked quickly and slid onto a plate.

很快就做好迅速倒进盘子里的`煎蛋。 He ladled the soup into the plate .

他用勺把汤盛进盘子中。It's an old Greek custom to smash plates to the end of a meal.

餐后摔盘子是一个古老的希腊风俗。We could not pull apart two plates which enclosed a vacuum.


  n. 托盘;满盘,一盘子;文件盒

express freight trai

特快货运列车 Will you hand me the ash tray, please.

请把烟灰缸递给我。Letters were piled high in the tray on his desk.

办公桌上的文件盒里有很多信。Letters are piled high in the tray on his desk

他办公桌上的文件盘里有很多信 She tipped the tray and all the cups slid on to the floor


标签:表达方式 盘子 英语