
2017-01-29 阅读:(8.12K)



Man: Do you have a girlfriend?

Alex Burnham: Uh, You're gonna think I'm crazy.



Kate Forster: [voice over] Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home. I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I did.

Alex Burnham: What do you mean lived here?

Kate Forster: Since no one has lived in this house for years.




Kate Forster: [voice over] Ridiculous. For argument's sake, what day is it there?

Alex Burnham: April 14th, 2004.

Kate Forster: No. It's April 14th, 2006.

Alex Burnham: It's the same day two years apart.





Alex Burnham: [voice over] How's your sunset?

Kate Forster: It's perfect.

Alex Burnham: I only wish you were here to share it with me.




Alex却最终爽约。 Kate终于意识到自己早已远离现实,她一直在守候那触摸不到的真情。她决定离开,告诉Alex不要再给她写信,最后留下那句深情割舍不断的“请让我放开你的手”……

Kate:You weren't there. You didn't come.

Alex:I don't understand. Something must have happened. I'm sorry. I've got two years, Kate. We can try again.

Kate:No, Alex, it's too Iate. It already happened. It didn't work.

Alex:Don't give up on me, Kate. What about Persuasion? You told me. They wait. They meet again, they have another chance.

Kate:Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at Daley a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought "It can't end just like that on Valentine's Day." I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at will never see him again. And then I thought "What if there is no one?" What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting? So I drove to the lake house looking for any kind of answer. And I found you. And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. But it's not real, Alex. I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don't write anymore. Don't try to find me. Let me let you go.


韩星贤(李政宰饰)搬到一个海边小屋,他为房屋取了一个意大利文的名字“Il Mare”,意思是“海”。整理房子时,他在信箱发现了一封内容很奇怪的信,信上写着“我是你搬来前的上一个房客,如果有收到我的信,请寄来”,更奇怪的是这封信寄出的日期是在1999年,也就是两年后——而星贤现在的时间是在1997年。星贤就立刻回信给这莫名其妙的人,询问是怎么回事。



两个中译名都与原文相教甚远,《触不到的恋人》因为过于直白而没有了影片中浓墨重彩的浪漫味道;《时越爱》简洁却有些拗口。而这部电影最显著的特点就是画面的唯美纯净,韩国电影中善于情感细节的拿捏把握,在这部电影中表现得淋漓尽致,丝丝入扣。整部电影的对白很少,几乎以风景反映角色的性格和心情,孤独内项的李政宰独居小屋,喜欢别人却不敢表白,全智贤内心世界一样迷惘,朦胧,在旧爱新欢间摇摆不定,而两个人的寂寞就像II Mare面临的大海,他们在亲密却无法触碰彼此。编导能以最少的对白表达出最深刻的情感,足见其拍摄技巧的成熟和完美。从观赏角度讲,它绝对是一部优美如画,不容错过的影片。

标签:经典语录 恋人 台词 句子 电影